Kiln dried kindling, produced from sustainable British hardwoods, mainly Poplar, and sold by the box. Cut to around 150 mm long (6 inches) they are ideal for lighting stoves, open fires barbeques.
150 mm long UK grown kiln dried kindling in large grey bags, approximately 6 kg.
We sell a variety of axes for log splitting and making kindling, including the entry level hatchet and log splitting axe. The log splitter has a wedge-shaped axe head, to provide easier penetration when splitting the wood apart. The hatchet is light weight and easy to handle.

Extra long (11”) matches for ease of lighting dog grates and stoves. Also available match holders in Black.

Fine wood shavings dipped in wax, no additives or odours, nice to handle. From a renewable source, carbon neutral.

80% of wood-burning stove problems arise from using wet wood. Whilst we supply kiln dried logs, it is essential that once delivered they are stored correctly – out of the rain, but in a dry airy store. Our Log Stores provide the perfect solution to make absolutely sure you only burn dry logs.
• Attractive wooden store with open front and slatted sides for maximum air flow throughout the logs
• All timber is pressure treated with EU approved Korasit CCON preservative. This provides preventive protection of wood against fungi and insects and protects for a minimum of 5 years.
• Weatherproof felt roof (tile design) as standard.
• Conveniently designed in modular format to allow two units or more, side by side or a multi unit of four stores
• Delivered in flat pack format, easy to construct in approx 2 hours (clear instructions provided).
Dimensions (single log store)
Width: 124 cm
Depth: 82 cm
Height (front): 167 cm
Height (rear): 183 cm
Optional Extras
Cedar wood feathered roof tiles
Weathershield (roll up), keeps the wet out, but still allows airflow.
PVC coated polyester, 3.3 tonnes tensile strength, 25% permeable
, Rot proof, tear resistant, non toxic and UV stabilised.
For determining the moisture content of your wood, to ensure maximum efficiency and output from your stove. Particularly useful if you are seasoning your own wood or using a woodburning stove.